Six Canonic Sonatas by Georg Philipp Telemann
Six Canonic Sonatas by Georg Philipp Telemann

Six Canonic Sonatas by Georg Philipp Telemann

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Catalog: 74405
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Six Canonic Sonatas by Georg Philipp Telemann

This Clear Note Edition is sold as two duplicate copies of the same book to facilitate ensemble reading.

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) ranked among the most successful composers during his lifetime, completely overshadowing J. S. Bach whose music was not fully appreciated until some years after his death. George Frederick Handel once said of Telemann that he could write a work in eight parts as easily as anyone else could write a letter.

The six Canonic Sonatas presented here are a collection originally entitled "Six Canons or Sonatas for two German Flutes or two Violins, Compos'd by Georg Philip Telemann." The title for this publication illustrates the practice of leaving some latitude in the choice of instruments, providing more opportunity for sales to the flourishing amateur Hausmusik market in Hamburg during that time. Each movement of these sonatas is a two-part canon in which both musicians play precisely the same lines, one measure apart.

Often played by flutists, these pieces work well on any combination of similar sounding instruments. They are well liked in recitals, but its worth remembering they were written for the sheer enjoyment of playing them with a friend in the comfort of your own home.

Karl Wolff